gmapsupp.img for SP, Nuvi, Que, MXT & 'x' series

At the request of some of the donors who use Macintosh or don't have MapSource and don't know how to combine and create gmapsupp.img for my maps, I have created one for their convenience.

Unzip and copy the gmapsupp.img into the Garmin folder of your StreetPilot, Nuvi, Que, MobileXT or 'x' series (or Map folder for newer devices) together with the gmapsupp.unl file.
You can also use a new SD/microSD card.

1. Create a Garmin folder in the SD/mircoSD card
2. Open the Garmin folder and copy the gmapsupp.img and gmapsupp.unl into it.
3. Insert the SD/mircoSD card in your device.

If you have any Garmin map product like City Navigator on SD card, make sure you use a different SD card or back it up so as not to accidentally erase it.

'x' series users can also use this method, see Accessing the 'x'series mircoSD on your PC before copying the gmapsupp.img into the Garmin folder. Custom type roads won't be displayed on 'x' series

The gmapsupp.img includes the latest version of:
Singapore w/HDB Routable map
Johor Routable map
Singapore Postal Code map
Custom POI icons map

You will also need to unlock the map in order for it to work on your GPS, see Unlocking Maps and if you're malsing's maps, then copy their gmapsupp.img and/or gmapsupp.unl in the SD card.

To seacrh for address, see Using Address search on your GPS

To search for HDB/JTC block or building name on your StreetPilot, Nuvi or MobileXT, see Finding HDB/JTC blocks in your GPSr.

Note: Previuosly, the SG & JOH Road Name POI maps were mainly for StreetPilot, Nuvi, Que and Mobile XT users to work around the address search problem. It is not longer included in the gmapsupp as ov v3.70.