Here is where you will find answers to FAQs.

Show .System in Nuvi

To make all of Nuvi files visible you must un-hide protected files via Windows like any other folder.

In Windows 7, click on Organize, in the drop-down list, select Folder and search options then click the View tab. Click the button to Show hidden files and folders. Then un-check Hide protected operating system files (Recommended).

To make the .System folder visible in the Nuvi

  1. Start Nuvi and go to Volume Screen.
  2. Press the upper right hand corner of screen for 10 seconds.
  3. The Developers Screen will pop up
  4. Scroll down to MTP SETTINGS
  5. Change from AUTO DETECT to MASS STORAGE
  6. Save the changes
  7. Shut down Nuvi and hookup to Computer USB cable
  8. Start Nuvi and it should recognize it is hooked up to the computer.
  9. Explorer will now see all files in ROOT directory and the .System directories.

Searching Postal Code on the Nuvi

Finally, after 2 years of work, the Singapore Postal Code map was completed on 11 Apr 2011 and will included in GMAPSUPP v4.05 onwards. You can disable this map if you find that POI searching is slow in your device.


If you are searching for a postal code or an address in the map of your current GPS location then follow the steps below (only the donor version has this feature). If not, then you have to go to the Map page, zoom out then scroll to the map tile that you want to search before following the steps below.


Automobile models - StreetPilot, Nuvi series & Mobile XT

1. Select Where to?

2. then select Points of Interest

3. Select Spell Name

4. then type in the postal code that you are searching for. You can also type in the first few characters of the address (e.g. 2 Han) to search for in this screen.

5. Select the result in the list or select Spell or Back to search again. 

6. Select Go! to route to the postal code, Map to view the location or Save

How to replace Nuvi internal battery


use this URL to see step-by-step instructions on How to replace the Nuvi's internal battery written by GPS Magazine