From version 3.61 onwards, the features of my HDB/JTC blocks/ATM/AXS overlay map will be incorporated into the donor version of my Singapore GPS map with the map name S'pore v3.61D Routable when listed in the GPSr. My public version that is published here and in malsingmaps does not have it.
Donor version:
Public version published here and in malsingmaps:
The advantage is that you can see and route to the individual HDB/JTC blocks (using address or postal code), ATMs, AXS stations, SAM stations and polyclinics without having to change the product in MapSource. This would be useful, especially for the donors using nRoute with in-car GPS. There is no change in the HDB and JTC block icons and it is still searchable under Others category. See Finding HDB/JTC blocks in your GPSr.
The disadvantage is that there will be no custom icons for ATMs and AXS stations, they are now lump together under Bank/ATM category for searching purposes. They can be identified with the prefix ATM or AXS before their location name. Polyclinics are lump under Hospital icon and category, while SAM stations are under Post Office.