If you need to search for buildings in the S'pore or Johor maps with your GPSr:
Hand-held models - 60, 76 series etc
1. Press the FIND key, use the rocker to select Others and press ENTR
2. A list of nearby buildings will appear, use the rocker to scroll down and select the building you are looking for, press ENTR then select the Go To button to route to it.
3. If the building is not in the nearby list, then press the MENU key and use Find by Name, Nearest Containing.. and type in the block number/building name or Select Category.
If you use Select Category, use
Business Service - commercial and industrial buildings
Personal Service - residential buildings (apartments/condos)
Communications - Singtel/Telekom, etc
Social Service - old age homes, children's home, etc.
Automobile models - StreetPilot, Nuvi series, Mobile XT
1. Select Where to?, then select Food, Lodging... or Points of Interest
2. Select Spell Name then type in the block number/building name and select Done
This feature is available from Singapore v3.05 and Johor v2.39 onwards. I do no intend to split commercial and industrial buildings into separate categories at the moment.
To search for HDB/JTC blocks, see Finding HDB/JTC blocks in your GPSr